Professional psoriasis treatment advice and products
Do You Suffer From Psoriasis ?? We may be able to help you manage your condition. Experience counts.. 20 years experience counts .. We have been treating psoriasis sufferers now for 20 years and we understand psoriasis.We hope you enjoy your visit to our site and we look forward to assisting you in any way.
Clear psoriasis the natural way with no mess or fuss using Naturally Pure psoriasis treatment products. NZ made, marketed and exported for over 20 years.
Naturally Pure is easy to apply, non-staining and effective on all skin types.Our non toxic chemical free formulation effectively clears psoriasis. Naturally Pure is formulated specifically for psoriasis conditions.This is not a compromise product.The active ingredient mix has been formulated using only the highest therapeutic quality cold pressed base and essential oils.These include evening primrose, vitamin e, tea tree, lavender and peppermint oils _ with each oil adding its own specific healing qualities.

Naturally Pure Psoriasis Pack
All our products are made from totally natural ingredients in our modern factory in clean green New Zealand.All our products are GE free and do not contain any chemical,petrochemical,preservatives or colourings of a toxic nature.
New Zealand is our home .. Pure Essence is New Zealands premier natural healthcare products manufacturer. Our home town in New Zealand is Masterton. A Country Town famous for the Golden Shears Competition

Customer Accolades
The best advertising is word of mouth, so below are some comments from our satisfied customers.
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